
Case Studies

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    Aubin® Xmax in offshore Malaysia

    Aubin® Xmax deployment for zonal isolation extends field life in brown field development in offshore Malaysia
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    Bellacide® 300 – Powder River Basin

    Bellacide® 300 provided long term bacterial control after hydraulic stimulation, eliminated SRB generated H2S that was seen within 60 days of production in adjacent wells treated with an alternative biocide program.
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    Bellacide® 300 in DJ Basin

    Bellacide® 300 provided exceptional preservative biocidal protection in the DJ basin, displacing a dual biocide program, providing the operator with cost savings, simplified logistics, and superior biocidal control. 
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    Bellacide® 300 in the Williston Basin

    Bellacide® 300 provided long-term bacterial control in the Williston Basin, while maintaining frac fluid integrity during hydraulic stimulation.
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    Bellacide® 300 offers fast acting and preservative bacterial control

    A large operator in the Denver Julesburg Basin was using a dual non-oxidizing fracturing biocide treatment composed of quick kill DBNPA added at the working tanks and preservative DMO added at the blender.
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    Bellacide® 300 Offers Preservative Control and Improved Flowback

    Bellacide® 300 eliminated microbial corrosion and H2S seen during production in Colorado, alleviating HSE issues.
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    Bellacide® 355 Woodford Case Study

    Bellacide® 355 in combination with oxidizer provided both quick kill and long-term protection, greatly reducing both APB and SRB as compared to the incumbent biocide program.
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    Bellacide® 364 at Low Dosage: Haynesville

    Bellacide® 364 maintained biocidal efficacy in the high temperature Haynesville, providing cost savings, improved HSE product handling, and bacterial control through 120 days of production.
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    Bellacide® 364 at Low Dosage: Permian Basin

    Bellacide® 364 was applied in a slickwater frac, with no compatibility issues, and provided exceptional long term bacterial control into production, with no serial dilution vial turns though 90 days of production.
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    Bellacide® 364 Biocidal Control: Eagle Ford

    Bellacide® 364 provides long term bacterial control into production while reducing cost to the operator.
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    Bellacide® 364 Biocidal Control: Permian Basin

    Bellacide® 364 was applied on a produced water frac (TDS ~140,000 mg/L) north of Midland, TX and provided bacterial control during the frac and into production.
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    Bellacide® 364 in the Utica and Marcellus

    Bellacide® 364 provided both short-term and long-term bacterial control when applied in a mixed water frac.